Tsenengamu dares Chinamasa

ZANU PF Youth League
ZANU PF Youth League

Tawanda Marwizi

Suspended Zanu-PF youth league national commissar Godfrey Tsenengamu has challenged the party’s acting Secretary for Administration Patrick Chinamasa to suspend President Mnangagwa for naming and shaming companies and individuals who allegedly externalised foreign currency from Zimbabwe.

President Mnangagwa, in March 2018, released a list of more than 55 individuals and companies that were allegedly involved in the externalisation of foreign currency.

Tsenengamu and his former deputy National Secretary for Youth Affairs colleague Lewis Matutu were suspended for gross indiscipline after a politburo meeting in Harare on Wednesday last week.

The erstwhile youth leaders had, a couple of days earlier, called for a media briefing, ostensibly in their individual capacities, to expose corrupt business people who are allegedly contributing to Zimbabwe’s economic meltdown.

However, Chinamasa said Zanu-PF had no policy of naming and shaming corrupt individuals urging anyone with evidence to approach relevant authorities.

Tsenengamu took to his Facebook wall to lash out at Chinamasa who had also indicated that the “naming and shaming” project was a way of extorting money.

“Dear Cde Chinamasa…

“…when President Mnangagwa named and shamed those who externalised forex you didn’t say it’s not party policy to name and shame.

“You didn’t say it promotes those with extortionist tendencies and rent-seeking behaviour, you didn’t say he must tow the party line, you didn’t say he is dividing the party, you didn’t say he must follow procedure.

“You didn’t suspend him. You didn’t say he must attend Chitepo College, you didn’t say he is scaring away investors, you didn’t say he must report to ZACC, you didn’t say he must bring evidence, why me?”

In a follow up interview, Tsenengamu said it was sad that people had a lot of misconceptions about the fight against corruption.

“It is sad that senior people in the party are ‘fighting’ the fight against a corruption free Zimbabwe. We are [however] going on with the fight because as it stands several Zimbabweans have joined the fight,” he said.

Zanu-PF officials have been bashing Tsenengamu and Matutu after their media briefing which also cost the national secretary for youth affairs Pupurai Togarepi his post.

Togarepi was accused of failing to reign in his juniors.

Meanwhile, unconfirmed reports have indicated that Tsenengamu and Matutu were facing expulsion from the party.

Acting Zanu-PF deputy national secretary for youth affairs Tendai Chirau has also confirmed that the two ex-leaders would be dragged before a disciplinary hearing.

Tsenengamu and Matutu have also been challenged to hand over evidence to the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission against the alleged corrupt individuals.


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