Matemadanda in eye of storm over missing donated rice

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Matemadanda 678x381

Tawanda Marwizi

Zanu-PF national political commissar Victor Matemadanda, who has been accused of failing to distribute rice donated by President Mnangagwa, has challenged those who are accusing him of being corrupt to report to the police.

The Gokwe Central legislator has been accused of working with some Zanu-PF members from his constituency to divert donated food items to his personal use.

Matemadanda, however, argued that the food had been distributed to the intended beneficiaries.

“I hear people saying a lot of things in this constituency…saying we are not distributing rice fairly. I want to challenge you people… come and arrest me if I am corrupt,” he said.

He said there was no room for corruption in the new dispensation and he would co-operate with anyone who is willing to investigate him. iverzin

“I am very open.  Let people come and investigate me. If I am corrupt let me get arrested for that,” he said.

Matemadanda also challenged people from his constituency to join President Mnangagwa and the rest of the country in the fight against corruption. heartgard ivermectin nyc

“Let us all fight corruption. ivermectin us fda It is the duty of every Zimbabwean including you. That is why I said if I am corrupt let me get arrested because there is no room for corruption in the new dispensation,” he said.

Meanwhile, Matemadanda said they were working with all organs of Zanu-PF to build a party that sticks to its ideology and principles.

“We all know that the party was moving away from its ideology during the last dispensation. As the new dispensation we are working with all organs and departments to make sure that we go back to our principles,” he said.

Matemadanda was in Gokwe Central with Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation deputy minister Tinoda Machakaire who reiterated government’s commitment to capacitate youths in Zimbabwe.

He said building capacity was the only way the youth would desist from vices such as drug abuse.


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