Zim Red Cross, Coca-Cola donate PPEs to the elderly

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IMG 20200421 WA0098

Tawanda Marwizi

The Zimbabwe Red Cross Society has donated personal protective equipment to  at least 1148 elderly staying in Old People’s Homes’ as a way of protecting them from the coronavirus.

Together with its partners, Coca-Cola foundation, Red Cross gave a helping hand to Batanai Old People’s home in Gweru, Entembeni people home in Bulawayo, Gwanda Association of the aged in Gwanda, Mucheke Old people’s home among others.

This comes as health experts have highlighted that the elderly are at risk of contracting COVID-19.

The two organisations donated hand sanitizers, buckets and  face masks. كأس العرب 2022

Sinikiwe Chirai matron at Batanai Old People’s home in Gweru said their place has 10 people and the donation came as a major relief to them. اسس تكسس

“While we have some problems as a home, the donation has come as major relief because the elder people are vulnerable to this pandemic. We are grateful to ZRCS and Coca-Cola Foundation for their kind gesture. We did not have enough protective clothing for these elderly,” she said.

80-year-old Violet Sibanda who stays at Gwanda Association of the aged said she was grateful because they had been living in fear of the disease.

“Though we have face masks we are living in fear of this disease because it is deadly. However we feel relieved with such donations as they go a long way in preventing infections,” she said.

ZRCS acting Secretary General Elias Hwenga said it was important to give the elderly protective equipment as they are vulnerable to the disease.

“Old people are vulnerable to Covid-19 and these centers that harbor them need our maximum support. That is why Zimbabwe Red Cross Society and Coca-Cola Foundation came  to support them,” he said.

Presenting a $100 000 donation to ZRCS two months ago, Coca-Cola Zimbabwe country manager Milidzani Ncube said the donation would go a long way in fighting against the pandemic.

“Today we are presenting the Coca-Cola Foundation’s donation of USD 100 000 to the Zimbabwe Red Cross Society to help curb the spread of  corona virus in Zimbabwe. نادي أتلتيكو مدريد The support will be used to procure the much needed equipment such as rapid test kits and personal protective equipment,” he said.


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