ZINARA makes progress in clearing DBSA loan


Itai Ndongwe

The Zimbabwe National Road Authority (ZINARA) has made substantial strides in fulfilling its financial commitments to the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA), with 77% repaid of its total allocation for the DBSA loan this year, amounting to a significant ZWG 277 322 533.

This positive development underscores ZINARA’s dedication to maintaining a sound financial standing and ensuring the efficient operation of Zimbabwe’s road infrastructure.

According to ZINARA’s latest disbursement report, the authority allocated a total of ZWG 359,040,000 for DBSA loan repayments in 2024. With the year-to-date payments reaching ZWG 277,322,533, a balance of ZWG 81,717,467 remains to be paid.
A breakdown of the quarterly payments reveals the following:
Q1 2024: ZWG 71,760,566
Q2 2024: ZWG 71,760,566
Q3 2024: ZWG 133,801,401

ZINARA’s consistent repayment efforts will contribute to strengthening its financial position and enabling it to continue investing in critical road infrastructure projects across the country.

During the period under review,  ZINARA  disbursed ZWG2.7 billion for the period January to September this year, with these funds  allocated to road authorities for the maintenance of the national road infrastructure and fuel allocation.

In the statement, ” ZINARA has made significant strides  in funding the maintenance of the nation’s road infrastructure through the disbursement of close to ZWG2.7 billion to the various road authorities across the country.”

Furthermore, Zinara has routinely provided fuel to these authorities  for road maintenance activities as part of the funds it has disbursed.  “This amount includes fuel disbursements of 1.5 million litres drawn down during the period in line with ZINARA’s strategic agenda to capacitate Road Authorities,” ZINARA added.

The funds have been disbursed across respective categories of road authorities, resulting in a 91% uptake against the annual budget, while 80% of provinces have accessed more than half of their allocation, and projects currently underway are expected to significantly increase uptake by the end of the year.

According to the report Harare Metropolitan Province had an 88% uptake due to the Harare City Council’s 98% budget utilisation, which was driven by substantial road works across the city prior to and during the SADC Summit, resulting in good road transformation in the capital.

Mashonaland East has again outperformed, receiving 73% of their allotment of ZWG26.97 million. Marondera Municipality, Marondera Rural, and Chikomba RDC put the province on top, with 98% updates from the municipality and 89% from both rural district councils.

During the period under review, Bulawayo Province used 71% of its budget in year-to-date reporting, accounting for a considerable number of finished and continuing projects in the province.


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