A record 2.4m urban people living in hunger

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epworth zimbabwe

HARARE  (Press Release) – Hunger in Zimbabwe’s urban areas has increased over the past year with 2.4 million people now struggling to meet their basic food needs, according to the Zimbabwe Vulnerability Assessment Committee (ZimVAC) report coordinated by the Food and Nutrition Council.

The lockdowns imposed to contain the spread of COVID-19 have dealt a severe blow to poor urban communities, many of whom were daily wage earners living hand to mouth. While unable to find work in cities, the ban on travel has meant that seasonal employment in rural areas is no longer an option for them. ivermectin for cata With work opportunities disappearing, the recent report states that 42% of urban households will not be able to meet their cereal requirements this year compared to approximately 30% for the same period in 2019.

The World Food Programme (WFP) Representative and Country Director Francesca Erdelmann said that reduced access to nutritious food has resulted in negative impacts for many. how to buy ivermectin in malaysia “Families will find it difficult to put food on the table, most of them have been stuck at home and were not able to go to work. The fortunate ones will skip meals while those without will have to go to bed on an empty stomach. For the most vulnerable people, hunger will have a lasting effect on their lives. The deteriorating hunger situation, caused by COVID-19 threatens to be their biggest challenge.”

Nearly 83% of urban households are now struggling to buy the food they need for their families. They are unable to buy basics such as mealie meal, salt and cooking oil compared to 76.8% in 2019.

WFP runs an urban assistance programme which delivers monthly cash transfers to 326,000 Zimbabweans across 23 urban areas and depending on availability of resources aims to scale up to reach 550,000 people living in the 28 worst affected and food insecure urban areas in the country. Households are given cash through electronic transfers and vouchers that enable them to buy food items from selected retailers.

Alongside the cash assistance, WFP is also implementing resilience building activities that support long-term development so that vulnerable communities are better able to withstand shocks. These include supporting urban agriculture such as mushroom and vegetable farming, building market linkages between rural-urban food value chains, setting up savings and lending groups and entrepreneurship training to support the establishment of small businesses.

WFP is working closely with the Government , UN agencies and NGO partners to implement the Urban Social Assistance and Resilience Building Programme and engaging with them on the development of longer-term shock-responsive social protection programmes in urban areas.


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