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Takura to acquire Interfresh Limited

HARARE - The Competition and Tariff Commission Zimbabwe has approved the acquisition of the majority shareholding in Interfresh Limited by Takura Ventures. The transaction is however still to be finalised. Under the deal, Takura is targeting...
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Zim, southern Africa food crisis worsens in 2020

Farai Mabeza ZIMBABWE, together with the rest of the southern African region, is expected to face high food deficit in 2020 due to the continued effects of the 2018/19 drought compounded by a poor forecast...

Zimbabwe maize yields at 0.57t/ha in 2019/20, faces cereal deficit of 1.16m tonnes

HARARE - The country's maize production is estimated to have risen 17% in the 2019/20 season, but the biggest concern remains the poor yields, which averaged 0.57 tonnes per hectare. According to the Second...
IMG 20200302 WA0064

Villagers want Govt to resize Gokwe game parks

Tawanda Marwizi The Simchembu area in Gokwe North is tucked between Chizarira and Chirisa Game Parks. Situated about 40 kilometers from the popular Gokwe growth point Chitekete, it has 36 wards and harbors a growing population...
Government is pinning it's hope of enhanced agricultural production on 2.2 million families trained under the Pfumvudza programme

Youth participation in Pfumvunza too low – Machakaire

Tawanda Marwizi Youth in Zimbabwe should participate in the government initiated farming scheme, Pfumvudza, as a way of reducing poverty in communities while avoiding drug-related crimes due to idleness, Youths, Sport, Arts and Culture Deputy...

Zimbabwe prepares for bumper harvest

Sydney Kawadza Zimbabwe is expected to harvest more than double its grain requirements for the Strategic Grain Reserves with Cabinet announcing an estimated 2.8 million tonnes of maize from the 2020/2021 agricultural season. Zimbabwe requires at...

A look into Conservation Agriculture and China’s model

Farai Mabeza CONSERVATION agriculture is built on three principles – minimum soil disturbance, permanent soil cover and crop rotation – that are known to reduce erosion, improve soil quality, conserve water, reduce fuel costs and,...
Mtshingwe Nursery project

Mimosa aims to transform rural economy

By Takudzwa Musakasa In an effort to transform the economic fortunes of the Mtshingwe community, mining giant, Mimosa Platinum Mine is assisting local farmers by providing the Mtshingwe Nursery project with hybrid vegetable and fruit...
Veld fires remain a major environmental and socio-economic threat to Zimbabwe as the country continues to lose considerable amount of land to veld fires each year

Extreme veld fire risk in Zimbabwe

Sydney Kawadza The favourable 2020/2021 agricultural season, while ensuring food security in Zimbabwe, has also increased the country’s veld fires risk which has been classified as extreme. Zimbabwe is targeting to achieve the 25 percent reduction...

Locusts threatens Zim, neighbours food security

Farai Mabeza A possible African Migratory Locust outbreak is threatening food security and livelihoods in Zimbabwe and some of its Southern Africa neighbours, the Food and Agriculture Organization of...