Davison Kaiyo The Zimbabwe Statistics Agency (ZimStat) has changed the dates for publication of the Consumer Price Index following the completion of the computerisation of the agency. ZimStat announced in a statement Friday the information will now be available in the...
  Marc Holtzman There is no better time for the United States to reset relations with a foreign country than at the change of an administration. While the new president, Joe Biden, will no doubt have a busy agenda, a key...
HARARE – The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe held its weekly foreign currency auction today, which saw the local currency break its depreciation trend against the US dollar albeit marginally, as it gained 0.01% to 82.0833 from 82.0914 at today’s...
Tapiwanashe Mangwiro HARARE – In the just started 2021/30-decade, fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas) will continue to lose global market share as the world energy supply and demand transition to low carbon renewable energy (wind, solar, geothermal, nuclear etc). Global energy...
HARARE – The country’s poverty datum line rose 5.5% to $4 670.04 in December from $4 425.64 the previous month. This means that a person required 0 or US. وان كارد 84 per day to purchase both non-food and...
Tapiwanashe Mangwiro HARARE – Last week the price of Brent crude oil suddenly spiked to $55 per barrel after a gradual price increase from below $40 in November last year. For a long time persistently above $100 before they crashed...
Tapiwanashe Mangwiro HARARE – The average Zimbabwean needed at least $4 426 not to be considered poor in November 2020. This translates to US$1.80 per day and this is a significant improvement from October 2020 levels of US$1.53 but still...
The global economy is anticipated to grow four percent this year, providing COVID-19 vaccines are widely launched, according to The World Bank’s January 2021 Global Economic Prospects. “While the global economy appears to have entered a subdued recovery, policymakers face...
Davison Kaiyo Zimbabwe’s economy is poised for growth despite the negative effects of the ravaging COVID19 pandemic and according to the World Bank’s flagship report the Global Economic Prospects 2021 report published yesterday, the country’s economy is expected to experience...