Court Orders Zambian Man To Have Sex With 3 Women 


The  Livingstone Local Court has ordered a 27-year-old man to try and sleep with three different women to ascertain if his ex-girlfriend cast a spell on him to cause erectile dysfunction.
Kenford Sililo had dragged his former girlfriend Maria Simoono, 27, of B39 of Malota Township to court for the restoration of his erection.
The court also advised Sililo of C36 to use condoms as he attempts to establish if his manhood has a problem. Sililo told the court that he wanted Simoono to release him from the spell of erectile dysfunction.
The court heard that Sililo and Simoono started their relationship in July 2022 and broke up after three months in October 2022.
He said he stopped having an erection after their relationship ended.“My manhood stopped working after the relationship ended. All I feel is a lot of heat on my back,”said Sililo
Runyoka or Rukawo is used by both men and women to “fence” their spouse or lover, has been a mysterious subject since time immemorial.


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