Delta unveils US$1m dollar Castle Larger PSL sponsorship

FC Platinum was the last Castle Lager Premier Soccer League to win Zimbabwe's coveted trophy in the country's sporting fraternity
FC Platinum was the last Castle Lager Premier Soccer League to win Zimbabwe's coveted trophy in the country's sporting fraternity

Sharon Chikwanha/Herzel Mushayabasa

Delta beverages has unveiled a US$1 million sponsorship package for the Castle Lager Premier Soccer League with the deal running until 2023.

The Castle Lager PSL is expected to start in July this year.

Zimbabwe has not had football matches since 2019 after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic with government imposing a blanket ban on sporting activities.

However, due to declining numbers of COVID-19 cases and the roll out of a comprehensive vaccination programme, government has allowed the resumption of contacts among them football.

In a statement, Delta Beverages spokesperson Patricia Murambinda said the main reason for the deal was to build a strong market brands for the Castle Lager and Chibuku brands.

“We also aim to capture all football fans enticing them to watch live games through promotional activities, support of their teams and sharing of the perfect moment in the comfort of their homes

“Hence our single-minded proposition, ‘ONE FOR THE FANS’, more action and excitement for the soccer fans all around the country. We will inspire and encourage the football fans to watch and support their favourite local teams in their thousands on local television stations and online,” she said.

Murambiwa also revealed that the sponsorship package for each season would be US$1 130 000 payable in the local currency at the prevailing bank rate split as Castle Premier Soccer League (US$700 000), Castle Challenge Cup (US$55 000) and the Chibuku Super Cup to be sponsored to the tune of US$375000.

Delta Corporation is involved, through its principal subsidiary Delta Beverages, in the brewing of lager and traditional beer and the bottling of soft drinks nder licence from the Coca Cola Company.

It operates one of the largest distribution network of depots and delivery fleets in Zimbabwe.

It has recently bought UNB in South Africa, a traditional beer company.

Delta has a significant interest in Schweppes Zimbabwe which manufactures still and juice drinks under the Coca-Cola franchise.

It is also Zimbabwe’s leading brewer with more than 15 beer brands while employing more than 4 000 workers across the country.

Its associate entity African Distillers is the leading producer of wines, spirits and ciders while Delta is also a majority shareholder in Natbrew Plc, the LuSE listed traditional beer business in Zambia.

The group’s portfolio includes Castle, Carling Black Label, Chibuku, Chibuku Super, Castle Lite, Redd’s and Castle Milk Stout as well as leading local brands such as Golden Pilsener and Zambezi Lager.


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