Government approves Food Mitigation Programme

Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister monica Mutsvangwa has announced that government would be guided by national interests when procuring COVID-19 vaccines
Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Monica announced that government will bar unvaccinated civil servants from work Mutsvangwa

Reason Razao

Government has approved the proposed retargeting of the Food Mitigation Programme beneficiaries by the ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare as part of efforts to alleviate poverty.

Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister Monica Mutsvangwa in a press statement after Cabinet briefing, said Government is currently investigating price adjustments.

“Cabinet approved the proposed retargeting of the Food Mitigation Programme beneficiaries as presented by the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare. This was in view of the need to ensure that the programme targets clearly deserving beneficiaries in light of the need for flexibility and to do away with the dependency syndrome among the citizenry,” said Mutsvangwa.

She added: “Cabinet takes exception to the recent unwarranted hikes in prices of goods and services by unscrupulous business people. ivermectina para que sirve en los humanos Government would like to inform the nation that investigations into the matter are currently underway, and that Government will leave no stone unturned until it brings the culprits to book. when will i know ivermectin is working

Currently Zimbabwe is currently grappling with the devastating effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the citizenry with many people, who are mostly in the informal sector, not working due lockdown measures restricting movement.

Meanwhile, Government recently launched the national vaccination programme, with the initial stage targeting frontline workers and essential service providers across the country.

“Vaccination of target groups commenced on 22 February 2021 in all the provinces. Measures have been put in place to guarantee a steady flow of vaccine doses, and to ensure that targeted groups receive their doses at the appropriate time,” said Mutsvangwa.

The inoculation programme commenced following the donation of 200 000 doses of Covid-19 vaccines by the Chinese Government, whilst India and Russian promised to donate 75 000 and 12 000 doses to Zimbabwe, respectively.

Government said more resources were being channelled to acquire more doses as it aims at vaccinating 10 million people.

Mutsvangwa also alluded to the issue of reopening schools saying adequate precautionary measures were being considered as preparations to resume learning is now underway.

“Regarding primary and secondary education, the responsible Ministry continues to work with the Ministry of Health and Child Care to prepare for the inevitable re-opening of schools. Meanwhile, the training of school health coordinators and the assessment of the schools’ preparations for the resumption of learning is ongoing.”

Zimbabwe has recorded 1 448 deaths since the virus was recorded in March last year.

At least 35 910 people have contracted the disease with 32 288 recoveries. ivermectina gastritis


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