Govt warns non-essential business against opening

Government efforts to curb the rate of infection from the COVID-19 virus are bearing fruit with cases dropping by almost 50 percent
Government efforts to curb the rate of infection from the COVID-19 virus are bearing fruit with cases dropping by almost 50 percent

Reason Razao

Government has issued a warning to non-essential businesses along with those who keep flouting COVID-19 regulations notably those who violate movement restrictions, gathering unlawfully and failing to properly don their masks, saying the authorities will not hesitate to apprehend offenders.

In a weekly National Taskforce on COVID-19, Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, Monica Mutsvangwa, said there has been progress in the rate of recovery due to the inception of the level four lockdown.

“There is recovery rate of 76 percent. The Taskforce noted a decreasing positivity rate from the peak in mid-January to the present, a clear indication that the surge in cases is now coming under control,” said Mutsvangwa.

She cautioned the public to remain vigilantly adhering to COVID-19 protocols.

“As a nation we cannot turn a blind eye to those around us who continue to flout COVID-19 regulations. The past week, the cumulative number of countrywide arrests for flouting COVID-19 regulations increased by over 2 000.

“Notable offenders include those who violate movement restrictions, gather unlawfully, fail to properly don their masks and operate non-essential business,” added Mutsvangwa.

Government also said it had put in place measures to assist those left vulnerable due COVID-19.

“The protection and support of the vulnerable in our communities remains a key part of Government’s COVID-19 response plan.”

Government has scaled up its social protection programmes during the peak of the hunger period which ranges from January to March.

Mutsvangwa added that the Department of Social Welfare continued to shelter and repatriate children and persons living and working on the streets.

“Presently, 128 individuals are being sheltered at Beatrice, Ruwa and Mt Hampden Rehabilitation Centres well as Northcot Training Institute.

“Government continues to work with development partners and NGOs to ensure that their programmes target at vulnerable groups carry on even during the lockdown period,” Mutsvangwa added.

Zimbabwe had, as of February 2, 2021 a cumulative 33 814 confirmed COVID-19 cases with 1 254 deaths.


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