Investors conned of US$1m in botched deal

Zimbabwean courts are handling emergency cases only during the Level 4 national lockdown

Munyaradzi Doma

Three family members and their former consultant have been arrested after allegedly defrauding two businessmen of US$1m and £70 000 in a botched investment deal.

Former Carefree Travel director Musa Ahmed Adam Yousaf, his wife Aisha, son Akil and their ex-travel consultant Rutendo Berejena allegedly conned Mohammed Ahmed and Fazal Mahomed Joosab in a cash injection deal for Fly Emirates air tickets.

For the alleged offence, Musa, Aisha, Akil and Berejena appeared before Harare Magistrate Rumbidzai Mugwagwa on Wednesday for their routine remand. Reglements de compte priligy entre malfaiteurs.  They will be back in court on February 17.

Prosecutor Lancelot Mutsokoti alleges that on September 28, 2017, the quartet acting in connivance, misrepresented to Ahmed that Carefree Travel was in need of capital injection to finance a facility which they claimed they had with Fly Emirates.

They allegedly indicated that the facility could enable Carefree Travel to buy air tickets at a discounted price for resale to its customers yet they fully knew that no such facility existed.

Acting on the misrepresentation, Ahmed injected £67 400 into the fraudulent venture.

Mutsokoti further alleges that sometime in January 2016, Akil misrepresented to Joosab that Adam and Aisha had mutual agreements with Fly Emirates which enabled them to secure air tickets at a discounted price for resale to its customers.

He said Akil went on to claim that his parents Adam and Aisha, did not have enough capital to acquire the tickets.

Akil allegedly requested Joosab to provide the required capital on condition that his parents pay back the money after selling the tickets to clients.

Mutsokoti also told the court that Joosab agreed and then deposited US$2,1m into Berejena, Daniel Chisveto and Rosemary Chimwala’s bank accounts.

The offence came to light when Adam and Aisha only paid US$1, 262 303 and became evasive prompting Joosab to seek clarification from Fly Emirates.

He was told that there was no such agreement.


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