Maravanyika Applies For ZRP Job Using Fake Certificates


A 21-year-old woman Felicia Maravanyika from Norton will perform 208 hours of community service after she was convicted of using fraudulent Ordinary Level results to apply for a job in the Zimbabwe Republic Police in 2021

Harare magistrate Mrs Caroline Matanga sentenced Maravanyika to 12 months imprisonment before suspending eight months on condition that she does not commit a similar offence in the next five years.

Four years were set aside on condition that she performs 208 hours of community service.

Maravanyika applied and attached the fake O Level certificate with eight Ordinary level subjects at ZRP, Mhondoro.

Harare magistrate Mrs Caroline Matanga sentenced Maravanyika to 12 months imprisonment before suspending eight months on condition that she does not commit a similar offence in the next five years.

Four years were set aside on condition that she performs 208 hours of community service.

The court heard that on April 18, 2021, the ZRP advertised in the media inviting individuals who met its recruitment criteria to apply.

The court heard that Maravanyika produced a fake Zimbabwe School Examinations Council (ZIMSEC) Ordinary level certificate for November 2019 examinations in her name purporting that she had passed the Ordinary Level subjects that were required


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