Marry’s juju traumatised the children, says VP Chiwenga

Marry Chiwenga
Marry Chiwenga

Vice President Constantino Chiwenga has accused his estranged wife Marry Mubaiwa of engaging in witchcraft and using juju, a development which traumatized their kids.

In court papers filed at the High Court by Chiwenga where he is defending his actions to block Marry from staying at the family matrimonial home after her release from the remand prison where she had spent at least three weeks, the VP said the ex-model was abusive and a drug addict and should not be allowed to be with the children.

She was arrested on allegations of externalisation, fraud and attempted murder

“I regret marrying Marry,” says Chiwenga as he accused her of using juju.

“The applicant (Marry) was arrested and their children left alone. It became incumbent on the respondent (Chiwenga) to take the children. I took them on holiday abroad and initially they had signs of trauma as they explained the black magic rituals they were subjected to by the applicant.

“The various tools of trade (used by) the witch-doctors which were unexpectedly left behind by applicant after her arrest, told a horror story. My clothes in some instances were heaped together and sprayed by applicant with some unknown substances.

“I had to take the children away to cleanse memories of the horrors they experienced,” read part of the affidavit deposed by the VP in the court papers.

The VP does not want Marry to be given custody of the children as he alleged that she was a drug addict and abusive.  “She has flashbacks, suffers from lack of sleep and has difficulties in breathing, symptoms of illicit drug abuse.

“Applicant cannot be trusted with children in the circumstances. While she cannot be precluded from being with and seeing the children, the court must balance the scales as there is need for both parents to continuously be with the children in order to ensure an un-abused welfare”

He alleges that Marry could have used juju to get married to him. “This was all to the cunning behaviour she employed to secure a place in my life. She needed moulding but I later found you could not teach an old dog new tricks,” the VP said of the wife.

Chiwenga also said the two were just cohabiting.

“Applicant is a dangerous person who basically wanted to liquidate me from the face of this earth. Possibly, what saved me was failure on my part to sign a marriage certificate due to incapacity which if done would have been my passport to death as her possible wish to self-aggrandisement would have been achieved,” he said.

Chiwenga said Marry found him staying at the residence in question when they married and she no longer had a legal right to be there following termination of their customary union recently. “Number 614 Nick Price Drive, Borrowdale, is my house of sentimental value awarded to me by the High Court in a former divorce matter by the late Justice Mutema.”

The VP said Marry was already staying in South Africa and also indicated that her bail should actually be revoked as she withheld critical information that she had one diplomatic passport when in actual fact she had two other passports.  Two diplomatic passports (AD005170) and (AD005759) bearing Mubaiwa’s names are due to expire on December 11 this year and November 2, 2022 respectively. The third passport (CN701555) will expire on February 21, 2022.

He said Marry has handlers who are in South Africa who are working with her and she could possibly flee the country if given an opportunity.


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