More than 2000 applications received for Youth Relief Fund

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Tawanda Marwizi

More than 2000 youth have applied for the Youth Relief Fund in Mashonaland West, provincial minister Mary Mliswa has said.

Speaking at a youth meeting in Chegutu on Wednesday afternoon, Mliswa said youth in her district were applying for the funding in order to mitigate effects of Covid-19 on their livelihoods.

“We are glad that the youth relief fund will go a long way in mitigating the effects of this pandemic to the business community,” she said.

Mliswa however advised the youth to use the money wisely.

“This money is not for personal use but it should go towards boosting your business. Those who think it is for personal use are misguided,” she said.

Youth Sports Arts and Recreation deputy Minister Tinoda Machakaire who was the guest of honor at the meeting said the ZW$17 million youth relief fund would benefit every youth regardless of political affiliation.

 “This money is for the youth whose businesses have been affected by Covid-19. We are calling upon people to register so that they get the money. بتواي Everyone who is above 18 years and below 35 is set to benefit from this fund as long as your business is registered,” he said.

Youth who spoke on the event thanked the Ministry for coming up with the fund.

However some highlighted the problems they are facing in making the applications.

“The online application has been a major problem for us because the forms require us to find an internet café and during this lockdown period it is difficult for us. لعبة الطاولة 31 اون لاين Some do not have data bundles even smart phones that allow online applications. انجازات ميسي Those are some of the challenges we are facing as the youth,” others said.


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