Plot to stop Chamisa’s second term thickens


Tawanda Marwizi /Cynthia Chitombi

A section of disgruntled MDC members are intensifying moves to block Nelson Chamisa from seeking re-election as the MDC-leader for the second term, The Anchor has established.

Sources said the members have started mobilising structures to abandon the 41-year old leader whose leadership style they dont agree with. “They are now getting into the structures because they believe Chamisa has failed to bring vibrancy, democracy and to unite the party. The party is going against its values because of his leadership,” the source added.

Recently Chamisa asked councilors not to challenge MPs in the next party primary elections a move that irked most of the bigwigs.

“Some are even mulling to move a vote of no confidence for him. He is now interfering in the running of town councils, suspension of Mayors and now Masvingo that used to be an MDC stronghold is burning. We cannot continue like that,” the source revealed.

There are a number of issues that have been laid down against him and structures are being convinced, according to an insider.

“You saw Komichi’s resignation letter… though it was dismissed as fake, this was ‘noise in the cockpit’ that did not just come from heaven,”

Deputy spokesperson Luke Tamborinyoka charged when asked about the allegations saying they were hogwash. “There is no division in the MDC. How can you pass a vote of no confidence on a person who was elected by the people through a congress? That is hogwash and nonsense,” a furious Tamborinyoka said.

But divisions are escalating. Recently Mwonzora was gagged for taking party issues to social media, in apparent reference to his recent outburst over statements by self-exiled former Zanu PF minister Jonathan Moyo.

Mwonzora took to Facebook and Twitter to express his anger over utterances by Moyo that he, together with then party treasurer Theresa Makone, flew to South Africa allegedly at the behest of the late party leader Morgan Tsvangirai to meet Moyo in 2018 ahead of the elections.


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