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Tag: Civil Servants

ED Plays Santa to Civil servants

Steven Mungate President Emmerson Mnangagwa has dangled a carrot to struggling, underpaid civil servants through a special presidential bonus for 2022 as the country enters...

Govt awards civil servants US$13 pay rise

Simba Rushwaya/Xolisani Ncube Government workers and their representatives have rejected the government’s US$13 equivalent of the 50 percent salary increment awarded last month. Government on Tuesday...

US$ COVID-19 allowance and 50% salary review for civil servants

Farai Mabeza Government has announced a 50 percent salary review for all civil servants and an interim US$75 allowance to cushion its employees against the...

Understanding the modalities around Mthuli’s GEMS Fund

FinX HARARE – Cabinet yesterday resolved to set up a Government Employees Mutual Savings Fund with effect from March 2020 wherein Government would provide $100...