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Here’s how RBZ can promote use of the local currency: (WATCH)

HARARE - The quickest way to promote ZWL is for the government to start accepting ZWL for stat obligations. Mining companies need not be...

RBZ ropes in BDCs to move away trades from parallel market

HARARE – In order to meet the foreign currency needs of small-scale enterprises and individuals which will ensure that trades move away from the...

Money and Economy in Zimbabwean History: A Concise Currency Timeline

The US-UN multilateralism and global monetary order: Implications for Southern Rhodesia’s monetary developments, 1950 – 1960 Tinashe Nyamunda June 26, 2020 marked the 75th anniversary of...

Towards a free market economy for Zimbabwe

Joseph Mverecha Introduction Our times are uniquely difficult and have been for a while, with limited respite. The economy is dollarizing rapidly while the local currency...

Money in Zimbabwean History: A Concise Currency Timeline

Early State-making and the historical foundations of Zimbabwe’s colonial monetary system: 1890-1900 Tinashe Nyamunda What is money in Zimbabwe? Given the contentious and dynamic experiences in...