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Tag: Financial Intelligence Unit

Finance Ministry scales up fight against money laundering

Reason Razao The Ministry of Finance and Economic development has scaled up the fight against money laundering, terrorism and proliferation financing through the acquisition of...

RBZ tightens internal bank transfers to stop illicit fx trades

HARARE - The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, through the Financial Intelligence Unit, has instructed banks to to limit internal transfers to two per day...

RBZ caps ZIPIT transactions to stop illicit forex trades

Farai Mabeza The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe’s Financial Intelligence Unit has directed all banks to temporarily review all ZIPIT transaction limits downwards to $20 000...

RBZ charges Ecocash directors for money laundering violations

Farai Mabeza HARARE - The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe’s Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) has brought charges under the Money Laundering and Proceeds of Crime Act...

RBZ directs Steward Bank to limit payments into Ecocash Trust account

Farai Mabeza The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe has ordered Steward Bank to limits payments into the Ecocash Mobile Money Trust accounts from third parties to...