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Tag: Kirsty Coventry

Kirsty Coventry now in charge of National Sports Stadium

Cynthia Chitombi Sports, Arts and Recreation Minister Kirsty Conventry has revealed that her portfolio has taken over the management of the National Sports Stadium from...

Storm brewing over management of sporting facilities

Tawanda Marwizi Three government ministries are reportedly at each other’s throats over management of Zimbabwe’s main stadiums and other sporting facilities across the country. The ministries...

Zanu-PF youths call out Kirsty Coventry for being too passive

STAFF WRITER Zanu-PF deputy secretary for Youth Affairs Lewis Matutu has taken a dig at Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation minister Kirsty Coventry whom he...

Sweden-based author eyes Zim market

Tawanda Marwizi HARARE - Following the successful launch of his book, Flash Back Identity, author Luckson Chikutu is now seeking government’s assistance to launch the...