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Nampak revenue in Q1 rises 809% but margins remain under pressure

HARARE – Nampak revenue increased 809% in the first quarter to December aided by anflation-induced price increases as volumes declined across the group’s operating...

Cartels: Chamisa responds to Hodzi’s remarks

Farai Mabeza MDC Alliance president Nelson Chamisa has said Prosecutor General Kumbirai Hodzi’s admission that critical law enforcement institutions were under control of cartels was...

Croatian Logarusic appointed Warriors coach

Tawanda Marwizi The Zimbabwe Football Association (ZIFA) has appointed Croatian Zdravko Logarusic as substantinve Warriors’ coach taking over from Joey Antipas who was holding on...

Corruption begets corruption: A look into Cecil Rhodes

Corruption is old in Zimbabwe, with Cecil John Rhodes being the father. He bought a lot of people from dukes needed as high-end front...

Chamisa rally to go ahead after police clearance

Tawanda Marwizi MDC president Nelson Chamisa has been cleared to present his “State of the Nation” address set for Mbare’s Stodart Hall tomorrow, it has...

High Court sets Marry’s case for this morning

The High Court will today hear an urgent Chamber application filed by the estranged wife of Acting President Constantino Chiwenga, Marry Mubaiwa against her...

Magombeyi steps down as ZHDA president

Cynthia Chitombi Controversial Zimbabwe Hospital Doctors Association president, Peter Magombeyi, who led a crippling strike by medical practitioners last year, has stepped down from his...

Bloomberg names Zim among top destinations for 2020

By Farai Mabeza ZIMBABWE has been listed among the world’s top 24 tourism destinations by one of the biggest global media houses, Bloomberg. In a list titled...

Zim grapples with forced migration, human trafficking

Happiness Zengeni AS soon as Isabella Mhere saw her Zimbabwe Schools Examination Council Advanced Level results early this year, she knew exactly what she was...

Cargo exports between Harare and Dubai improve

Sydney Kawadza Exports from Harare to Dubai went up significantly, with more than 2 000 tonnes of cargo having been moved between the two cities...