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Treasury cuts bank charges of +US$1 000 to attract depositors

HARARE - Treasury has lowered the charge on cash withdrawals on amounts above US$1 000 to 1% following pressure from legislators. In May President Mnangagwa...

NTS volumes decline 20% in QJune

Edwell Chigangaidze  HARARE – National Tyre Service (NTS) saw a 20% decrease in volume for the three months to June largely impacted by rising prices...

FMP sees 31% growth in property income on improved occupany

Edwell Chigangaidze HARARE- First Mutual Properties net property income grew by 31% in the five months to May, largely driven by collection rate increase from...

Crisis outcomes expected due to erratic rainfall: Fewsnet

Tadiwa Musiyiwa  Crisis outcomes are expected to persist in most typical deficit-producing areas through March due to non-availability of own-produced food stocks, reductions in agricultural...

EU maintains sanctions on Zimbabwe Defence Industries

The European Union has maintained an arms embargo and targeted asset freeze on the Zimbabwe Defence Industries while lifting restrictive measures on three individuals:...

Govt to approve agriculture joint ventures

Itai Ndongwe The Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water, and Rural Development Ministry has approved the framework for joint venture (JV) agreements, which will allow investors to...

Invictus secures ancillary equipment for drilling campaign

Itai Ndongwe Invictus Energy has secured the required long lead items as well as casing and wellheads  for a two-well drilling programme at its Cabora...

Zim platinum production declines 11% in Q3, global surplus to extend...

Zimbabwe’s platinum production was 11% lower in the third quarter to September at 111koz from 125koz in the previous quarter, the latest World Platinum...

SMEA to honour growing and outstanding SMEs

The SME Association of Zimbabwe will this week host the Local Legends awards, an event meant to honour and reward MSMEs that have excelled in...

ZAMCOM delivers PIDACC endorsement letters to AfDB

Talkmore Gandiwa The Zambezi Watercourse Commission has delivered five endorsement letters to Africa Development Bank as part of the requirements needed to unlock funds that...