TIMB rebrands to ensure sustainability

Tobacco Zimbabwe

The Tobacco Industry Marketing Board has rebranded to ensure sustainable production and marketing of tobacco in Zimbabwe.

TIMB Chief Executive, Meanwell Gudu said the rebranding project is the first of its kind by the Board. The project is associated with modernity, technology and excellence in the sustainable production and marketing of Zimbabwe’s flavour tobacco.

“Our operating environment has tremendously evolved. The industry has faced challenges from the markets and challenges beyond the markets. Challenges from the markets include a louder clarion call for us as a global supplier to comply with both sustainable production with environment, social governance reporting standards,

“The mounting challenges beyond our markets include increased campaign from tobacco lobby to ban tobacco consumption which will impact negatively on global demand for the golden leaf. Furthermore, human rights practitioners are also campaigning against tobacco production alleging that it involves forced and child labour” he said.

The company has expanded its portfolio of services as a regulator as it has expanded into a land-use company. نتائج امم اوروبا 2023  Its new pay-offline is, “For Livelihoods, for Sustainability.”

“Our new pay-offline is a refined version of what we have always known best about ourselves. This brings to reality the rebranding exercise.”

In line with this restructuring, TIMB established an Inspectorate unit to ensure that there is 100% compliance in the industry. Additionally, a unit which will facilitate alternative and alternate tobacco uses to diversify revenues for tobacco growers was established. The Board also established a sustainability department whose mandate is to ensure that the industry complies with sustainable tobacco production.

The rebranding is set to align TIMB’s critical role towards the attainment of vision 2030 guided by the National Development Strategy 1, and the Agriculture and Food Systems Transformation Strategy and the Tobacco Value Chain Transformation Plan. داني ألفيس

Gudu said the project has allowed the company to communicate its new strategic position that comes with a new vision, mission and values as well as to reposition TIMB as a modern, more efficient and better organisation.

The company’s new vision is “Towards sustainable tobacco production, enhanced marketing system and improved livelihoods in Zimbabwe by 2025.” While the company’s new values are “Client and stakeholder satisfaction, integrity, teamwork, accountability and innovation.

A new corporate logO has been developed, inspired by contributions from creative TIMB staff. The new logo and visual identity are inspired by the company’s new core values and principles which represent transformation, growth, success and a brighter tomorrow.

The Board’s new corporate colours will be modern green, representing life. لعبه الافلام The second colour is gold, signifying the country’s golden leaf and the wealth it brings to the country. Brown is the third colour, as it signifies the earth, which is a priced natural resource and source of wealth, cutting across the whole agriculture spectrum.

The deputy minister for Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement, Vangelis Haritatos said the launch shows that parastatals are looking ahead in terms of planning in order to remain relevant and deliver more appropriate services to stakeholders in an environment that is characterised by changing economic, social and environmental factors, more so, in the area where there is a framework convention on tobacco.

“It is the expectation from my ministry that this rebranding will foster a culture of excellence, essentially this will boost the stakeholder’s confidence augmenting the building blocks of a successful tobacco industry in Zimbabwe.”


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