Trio in US$1,4 million fraud


Munyaradzi Doma

HARARE – The case in which three men allegedly swindled USD$1,4 million from a business colleague in a botched property deal has been postponed to January 21 next year.

Hosea Mkwananzi (36) representing Converging Investments, Ismail Moosa Lunat (56) and Mahomed Iqbal Lunat (60) who are out of custody had appeared before Harare Regional magistrate Morgan Nemadire for trial continuation before their matter was postponed.

The State led by prosecutor George Manokore had sought to have the matter against the trio continue but the defence argued that they needed time to study documents which they had been proffered.

Magistrate Nemadire leaned in the defence’s favour and the matter was postponed.

The complainant in the matter is Toppers Uniforms represented by Mahomed Zakariya Patel.

It is said Patel is a close associate of the the two Lunats and that his (Patel) sister is married to the two’s brother’s son.

Allegations are that sometime in August  last year, Moosa Lunat approached Patel saying that he was selling one of Mkwananzi’s properties in Bulawayo for USD$1,5 million.

It is the State’s case that Moosa Lunat said the property was developed with a two story building.

Indications are that Moosa Lunat invited Patel to Bulawayo to view the property  and he viewed it, before he (Patel) asked for a discount. It is alleged that Moosa Lunat reduced the price to USD$1,4 million and an agreement was reached.

On September 4 last year, it is said a written agreement was signed but in all of this, it is alleged Patel thought all was in order.

Patel is alleged to have been given some title deeds which were said to be originals not knowing they were fake. The said property is alleged to have been sold to Timothy Mafuka Nkomo in 2005 by Iqbal Lunati represented by Moosa Lunat.

Thinking that everything was above board, it is said Patel paid USD$1million to Moosa Lunat in Bulawayo and the latter signed for the money.

On November 25 last year, it is said Moosa Lunat approached Patel seeking balance of USD$400 000 and the latter paid the money.

In further pursuant to the fraudulent act, it is said Moosa Lunat had the property revalued to USD$2,2 million and he asked Patel to top up on the initial amount he had paid.
Patel is alleged to have denied the top up.

It is the State’s case that Patel started asking for the deed of transfer but Moosa Lunat became evasive.

Iqbal Lunat is said to have been roped into the deal and it is said he alleged that he had been sent by Moosa Lunat to demand the said original deed of transfer. It is alleged Iqbal Lunat further told Patel that the said property had not been sold and that Moosa was never Mkwananzi’ director hence he could not sell the property.

When Patel made further inquiries he discovered that the documentation he had been shown for the property was all fake and he had lost USD$1,4 million and nothing was recovered.


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