Where is the Government?  Judiciary? Legislature? When Children Are Raped

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Mhangura legislator, Precious Chinhamo-Masango  has called parliament to immediately act against children being abused as a child as young as nine years are being abused and offenders are walking scot free

 “Children’s rights are being violated left, right and centre and yet the perpetrators are walking scot-free. The children, by virtue of being human beings, have rights that must be respected too. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations proclaimed that childhood is entitled to special care and assistance. Is that what these children are getting from us the adults? No! What we witness in today’s world, especially here in Zimbabwe is a sad story. How can one sleep with a nine-year-old or a Grade Four child and enjoy sex?”

Hon Chisango questioned the various tires of the government which she accuse of turning a blind eye

“Where is the Government? Where is the Judiciary? Where is the Legislature? What are we doing as responsible leaders? We cannot continue as a nation to have young girls’ lives being destroyed by morons who have no respect for children’s rights.” she said

She went on to question enjoyability of the sex with a child

“Mr Speaker Sir, in here we are all adults and we know that when a married woman is deemed not able to perform well in bed anodzoserwa kwatete. Ko kamwana ako kano performer zvakanaka pabonde here iko kachichema kachirwadziwa? Ndiko kunakidza kwacho here nhai Speaker?”

She went on to demand immediate action as a girl child is no longer safe in Zimbabwe

“Where is our girl-child safe? At home with the parents, no! At school with the teachers, no! At church, no! The girl-child is not safe anywhere, so we need action now,” she added

Last week, the country was shocked when a nine-year-old Tsholotsho girl who was allegedly raped by her father gave birth, while another nine-year-old from Bindura is pregnant after being raped by two 17-year-olds.

Various children’s rights activists are lobbying for the revision of statutory rape carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in jail to a  maximum of 60 years or life imprisonment.

Section 81 (1) of the Constitution defines a child as a boy or girl below the age of 18. The Marriage Act introduces the minimum age of marriage and prohibits any person under the age of 18 to enter into a marriage.



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