Zanu PF aligned cleric and founder of Destiny for Africa Network, Obadiah Musindo was on Monday nabbed by police on allegations of defrauding a local businessman of his mobile phones valued at USD$6000.

Musindo–famed for campaigning for Zanu PF for decades, allegedly conned a Harare businessman only identified as Brian USD 5800 after he took 10 mobile phones from him with a promise that he will settle the debt within a month but failed to do so.

“He gave these phones to girlfriends and some to his daughters. So the guy made several attempts to recover the money but to no avail. At some point, he tried to engage Zanu PF officials to recover the money but all this failed,” said a source.

On Sunday, according to sources, Brian demanded his money but Musindo failed to pay alleging that he was hoping to be given money by President  (Emmerson Mnangagwa).

“Brain was angry, especially with the mentioning of President Mnangagwa’s name. He felt that he was being intimidated. He felt that Musindo was abusing the name of the President. He went to Harare Central Police Station and opened a case against him,” said a source.

On Monday, police, according to the source, picked up Musindo and detailed.

“He tried to call top police bosses claiming that he was being targeted by some government officials who didn’t want him to campaign but they all told him to face his music,” said a police source.

“He has so many fraud cases. He has been conning people all in the name of the party. He collects suits from traders and tells them that he has money. Whenever they come demanding their money, he uses the name of the president. He says he is close to the president,” said a source.

The Zanu PF-linked preacher is now new to controversy as he has been arrested before for rape. He is also known for being violent and abusing his proximity to power.


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