Zanu-PF youths gather views on lockdown extension

Corona Virus
Corona Virus

Cynthia Chitombi

Zanu-PF youths are canvassing people’s views on the possible extension of the Covid-19-induced national lockdown through an online survey which has been shared on various social media platforms.

The youths asked people to respond to the question; “As the 21 days of National Lock-down end, do you think there should be an extension?”

There were varying responses on social media with some people expressing worry that the lockdown was ending at a time the number of confirmed Covid-19 cases was increasing.

Earlier this week President Emmerson Mnangagwa indicated that Government would review the lockdown on the 20th or the 21st of April.

Zanu PF director for information, Tafadzwa Mugwadi, told The Anchor that their survey would not influence government decisions on the extension of the lockdown.

“It is in the hands of health experts and the medical experts that are working with the President Cde ED Mnangagwa to make sure that the nation pulls through this whole pandemic.

“This has nothing to do with the government its an exclusive party departmental process of trying to tap into the national mood, feelings and attitudes about this disease. ivermectina para los piojos en niños

“Certainly the survey that is on-going on our website has nothing to do with whether the president will extend or not,” he said.

Furthermore, Mugwadi said that another reason for their exercise was to determine how far the people had understood the purpose of the lockdown.

“We are trying to measure if the people have fully understood the essence of this lockdown, and if they have understood, l think people will probably recommend for a further extension or for other alternatives,” he said.

People who have responded to the survey so far have voted for the continuation of the lockdown. what is the correct dose of ivermectin for dogs

Others expressed concern on the impact of a prolonged lockdown on people’s livelihoods.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa recently dismissed rumors which were circulating that he had extended the lockdown.
“That is absolutely nonsense, I have never made such a statement. If we catch this person, it must be exemplary and they must go in for at least level 14, which is 20 years’ imprisonment.

“That l think we need to demonstrate that we don’t want false news to be circulated. ivermectina abbott ” President Mnangagwa said.

Zimbabwe now has 24 Coronavirus cases including 3 deaths and two recoveries. Other countries in the region including South Africa and Zambia have extended their lockdown to the end of the month


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