ZanuPF condemns Israel’s invasion and killings


Talkmore Gandiwa

ZanuPF has condemned Israeli occupation’s premeditated assault on the Palestinian people in Gaza

Speaking at the conference of all Palestine Solidarity Conferences in Zimbabwe, Zanu PF Secretary for External Affairs Simbarashe Mumbengegwi the party has reaffirmed to continue standing in solidarity with the Palestinians and stand firmly behind United Nations resolutions on the occupied territories, and we will speak out against all forms of injustice, regardless of where or who they come from.

“We assure them that Zanu PF will always render their support to the best of our ability and we will never retreat no matter what,”

“In any revolutionary struggle, solidarity is an essential ingredient because it takes many forms. It can be moral; it can be material, but solidarity is essential to any revolutionary struggle. For us here in Zimbabwe, it is more important and more significant because we ourselves are a direct product of solidarity,” said Mumbengegwi

Adding on he said, “What we are actually saying was that we had decided to embark on the armed struggle to liberate our country, but at that time we did not have a single gun, but that was our declaration that we are now going to the armed struggle.”

The party has since declared pledged support to the State of Palestine in its struggle for freedom against the Israeli apartheid occupation of the West Bank and Gaza since 1967. However, continue to condemn Palestine brutal killings by Israel’s ongoing criminal violation and Palestinian rights.

The Non-governmental organizations including churches have called on the international community, in particular, the Security Council, to take immediate action to bring a halt to this Israeli military aggression against the defenseless Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and to save human lives.

The absence of international accountability continues to encourage Israel, the colonial occupying power, to persist in carrying out serious international crimes against the Palestinian people, trampling on their human rights and causing widespread death, injury, and wanton destruction.

The Security Council’s paralysis in particular and failure to provide protection, has led Israel to believe that it has the green light to kill Palestinians, including children, at will and that it can perpetrate its crimes without any consequence.

Concurrently, ending the exceptional treatment of Israel, the colonial occupying power, must come to an end.

Zanu PF Secretary for Information and Publicity, Christopher Mutsvangwa, said “As we gather here as Zimbabweans, we support the liberation struggle of Palestine. We are, in fact, enlisting ourselves as part of that worldwide network of solidarity organisations and movements which together will develop into a force that in the end will lead to the total victory of the Palestinian people. We all know that the whole of progressive humanity is fully behind the struggle of the Palestinian people.”

The Ambassador of Palestine to Zimbabwe Mr Tamer Almassri has shown gratitude towards the Zimbabweans continued support and for standing in solidarity with the Palestinian people.

“We are proud of all the solidarity and support that we are getting from Zimbabwe to the Palestinian national movement against the Israeli apartheid occupation.” He said.

Adding on he said, “Our embassy and our leadership in Palestine does not and will not ignore paying the solidarity with the people and the leadership of Zimbabwe against the illegal sanctions.”




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