Zimbabwe Records 2723 Festive Season Accidents

road accident 1
road accident 1

Zimbabwe Republic Police reports that the following road traffic accident statistics were recorded from 15th December 2022 to 15th January 2023 .

Total  road accidents were 2723 , whilst 148 were killed and 669 were injured

327162222 572857428190897 638123221228674095 n

The Zimbabwe Republic Police implores drivers to be always cautious on the roads and strive to set an appropriate conduct on safety standards to safeguard lives.


Above all, the motoring public is implored to exercise extreme caution on the roads during this rainy season as some roads are slippery and in bad state. Motorists should not cross flooded rivers and bridges to curb drowning incidences.


On the other hand, public service vehicle operators are urged to adhere to speed limits on the country’s roads and stop engaging in highway races while competing for passengers.

In 2022 alone, from January to September 2022, Zimbabwe had 38776 crashes , 1559 killed and 7851 injured. This translates to a traffic collision every 15 minutes, an average of 45 injuries per day and an average of five deaths per day. Friday nights, Saturdays and festive seasons are the worst.


94 % of road traffic accidents are directly caused by human error.


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