ZSE reviews 2020 listing fees

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HARARE – (FinX) –  In a bid to move in tandem with the surging inflation, the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE) has revised annual listing fees for companies listed on its platform effective January 1, 2020.

Listed firms with an upper market capitalisation of ZWL$20 million will be required to fork out ZWL$85 000. The maximum fee has been set at ZWL0 000 for companies with a listed capital of ZWL. هل جوائز جوجل حقيقية 01 billion.

Companies will also have to pay additional listing fees of 0.05% of the value of securities subject to a maximum fee of $500 000, prorated from the date of listing to the next billing date.

The monetary value of securities for which application for listing is made will be determined by the number of securities for which application for listing is made multiplied by the price per security, in respect of capitalisation issue, where no market related price is attributable to the securities to be listed, they will be deemed to have a value calculated by multiplying the number of securities listed by the closing price on the declaration date and in respect of introductions, where no price is attributable to the securities, they will be deemed to have a value calculated by multiplying the number of securities listed by the closing price on the first day of trading.

In respect of each class of security listed, ZSE highlighted that an annual listing fee shall be payable (except during the calendar year in which the first listing of securities is granted) based on the market capitalization value as at 30 November of the preceding year.

Where listing is done through a number of tranches, ZSE noted that the first 20 tranches issued under a programme in a year will be billed at ZWL$8 000 per tranche. Also the next twenty tranches will be billed at ZWL 000 per tranche and all tranches in excess of 40 under a programme in a year will be billed ZWL 000 per tranche. العاب لربح المال

Annual listing fees (excluding VAT) for debt securities will be charged at 0.0125% of the outstanding amount subject to the following minimum threshold of ZWL$20 000 and maximum ZWL$200 000.

“ZSE wishes to advise its valued issuers and interested stakeholders that the Securities and Exchange Commission of Zimbabwe has approved the revised ZSE listing and document review fees with from 1 January 2020,” it said. كيف تفوز في لعبة الروليت على الانترنت


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